holistic intervention and
rehabilitation services

Developmental Disorders &
Autistic Spectrum Disorders

to young adulthood

carries out innovative approaches

inclusion of people with
Intellectual Developmental Disorders

in the community and
their smooth integration into
the labour market.
Theotokos Foundation is a non-profit organization that has been operating since 1963. Its facilities are located in the municipality of Ilion and occupy an area of 51 acres. It offers prevention, holistic intervention and rehabilitation services to people with Intellectual Developmental Disorders & Autistic Spectrum Disorders, from early childhood to young adulthood.
The Foundation has adopted the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), which aims to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities and to promote respect for their inherent dignity.
The following general principles define the services provided by the Foundation:
- Respect for inherent dignity, individual autonomy including freedom to make one’s own choices, and independence of persons,
- Non-discrimination,
- Full and effective participation and integration in society,
- Respect for diversity and acceptance of persons with disabilities as part of human difference/diversity and humanity,
- Equality of opportunity,
- Accessibility,
- Equality between men and women,
- Respect for the evolving capacities of children with disabilities and respect for the right of children with disabilities to maintain their identity.
With full respect for rights and driven by continuous improvement, the Foundation continuously carries out innovative approaches that aim at the non-negotiable inclusion of people with Intellectual Developmental Disorders & Autism Spectrum Disorders in the community and their smooth integration into the labour market.
It also ensures high quality services to beneficiaries and their families by implementing a Quality Management System that complies with the requirements of the International Standards EQUASS & ISO 9001:2015.
Since 2015, the electronic welfare file and the individual functional profile for each beneficiary has been created based on the scientific tool International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Based on the capabilities and needs reflected in the profile, the Individual Rehabilitation Program is prepared where the goals of the trainees are recorded and the educational and therapeutic programs are planned and the progress of the beneficiaries is monitored. The approach is person-centred and individualized.
Diagnostic and Therapy Services
Our foundation provides to service users and their family members a holistic approach to diagnostic and therapy services.....
Early Childhood Intervention
The Early Childhood Intervention supports children up to 4 years old and their families with developmental and autistic spectrum disorders....
Adolescent Departments
The adolescent departments support adolescents and young adults with developmental disorders and autism spectrum disorders and aims at the acquisition of formal....
Vocational Training Groups
Our vocational training groups include participants that focus on the following individual actions: The acquisition of the basic psychosocial skills skills that are essential for the....
The programme is addressed to adults, graduates of vocational training or from the community and is organised around three fundamental axes:.....
Professional Integration “ErgAxia”
“ErgAxia” is a service for the work inclusion of people with intellectual and developmental disorders and autistic spectrum disorders.....
Enrichment Programs
They are specially designed group and individual programs based on adapted methods – techniques for the beneficiaries of the Foundation.....
Research and Development – Project Funding Department
The foundation's Research and Development – Project Funding Department's main responsibility...